W e L o v e T o S e e I t
Debut collection of poetry and science fiction by Peter Milne Greiner. Lost City Hydrothermal Field is available now! Order direct from Powell’s Books
Thanks to the editors of dream pop journal for the pushcart nom!
OUT NOW from University of Arizona Press, Beyond Earth’s Edge: The Poetry of Spaceflight features PMG’s poem “Hammerstone”
Issue 8 of Half Mystic Journal is out now, featuring new work by PMG. Check out the accompanying essay at the Half Mystic Blog here
"What sets this collection apart from other speculative poetry, aside from its exceptional quality, is Greiner’s way of moving through time, somehow visiting both origin and culmination, the primordial and the apocalyptic, and demonstrating their interchangeability." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY on Lost City Hydrothermal Field.
R a d a r
8/27/2024 Quick roundup about recent publications: check out a variety of new work in Fence, TAGVVERK, and Works & Days
Check out two new poems in LANDFILL @ URSUS AMERICANUS PRESS
MCD Books announces Terraform: Watch/Worlds/Burn! Coming summer 2022, this amazing anthology includes PMG’s story “Tropical Premises” alongside stories by Jeff VanderMeer, Tao Lin, Cory Doctorow, and many others! Check out the REVEAL PAGE HERE
Big thanks to Dream Pop Journal for my very first Pushcart nomination! The nomination is for my poem “The Straight of Vasopressin”! Below there’s a link to the poem and a few others that appeared in Dream Pop earlier this year.
Five new poems just published by Dream Pop Journal! Check out “The Strait of Vasopressin,” “Lake Travis Lights,” “Actual Plateau,” “Peak Uchronia,” and “The Song That Plays At the Beginning of Dark at DREAM POP JOURNAL.
Big Echo: Critical Science Fiction is back with the Big Echo Anthology, a collection of work from the website’s many issues. Included here is PMG’s story “Plexaure” from Issue 1! ORDER HERE.
Big Echo: Critical Science Fiction published a chapbook of interviews, including PMG’s with Andrew Joron. ANDREW JORON IS AWESOME READ A NEW PIECE FROM HIM HERE.
Some poems from Lost City were reprinted at WINTERMUTE LIT this summer!
New work from PMG in the latest issue of HALF MYSTIC JOURNAL! Check out PMG’s contributor essay for the issue here.
Thanks to Christopher Cokinos for including Lost City Hydrothermal Field in Essay Daily’s quarantine roundup!
PMG’s new essay about salvation, AI, and a visit to the Tyringham Shaker Settlement Historic District is featured in Big Echo: Critical Science Fiction. Read “On Reverence” HERE.
Read “Horizon Event,” a new poem published in the latest issue of SO & SO alongside work from fellow OS pals Joanna C. Valente and Richard Lucyshyn.
Read “Atlas of Guam,” a new poem published in the latest issue of ABYSS&APEX.
LONG DISTANCE POISON’s newest record features an essay by PMG! LDP’s “Astro Topoi” is a vinyl release from UK label Deep Distance Recordings. Read about it over at HOUDINI MANSIONS.
Thanks to Joanna C. Valente for including the poem “Tristan Da Couch” from LCHF in their latest poetry roundup at BROKELYN.
Read PMG's review of Ursula K. Le Guin's posthumous collection So Far So Good HERE.
Read PMG’s short story “Tropical Premises” in MOTHERBOARD.
Read some poems from LCHF in YES POETRY.
Check out the latest issue of BIG ECHO: CRITICAL SCIENCE FICTION - PMG guest edited this special speculative poetics issue, which features an interview with Andrew Joron and new work from Johannes Heldén, Joanna C. Valente, ELÆ [Lynne DeSilva-Johnson], Kenning JP García, Ching-In Chen, and others.